Share Registry

STL’s G Class Shares were listed on the National Stock Exchange of Australia (NSX) on 26 February 2004. Only active growers may buy or sell G class shares. 

Only active Millers can buy or sell M-Class Shares.

All buy orders must be accompanied by a Member Status Declaration.

STL’s share registry is managed by MUFG Corporate Markets (formerly Link Market Services).

Any Shareholder queries should be directed to the following:

Sugar Terminals Limited
c/- MUFG Corporate Markets

Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW 1235

Frequently Asked Questions

(i) Yes, if you supply cane under a cane supply contract to a mill in Queensland in the current season.

(ii) No, if you have leased your farm to someone else even though you may intend to resume cane growing sometime in the future.

(iii) No, if you are a natural person and the cane supply contract with the mill is in the name of a company or other legal entity in which you have an interest.

Your SRN is on the Holding Statement.  If you do not have the Holding Statement, please contact our Share Registry, MUFG Corporate Markets (formerly Link Market Services) for a Statement to be posted to you

You will need to do the following:

  • complete the change of address form noting that the SRN is unknown
  • provide an original certified document showing the old address with shareholder’s name
  • provide an original certified copy of your ID
  • provide an original certified document showing the shareholder’s name and current address (if not on their ID)

Documentation can include phone bill, utility bill, etc…  We need to see the link between the shareholder and the addresses.

If the holding name is in initials, please have the shareholder complete a Name Correction form to update to the complete name as well since they are providing original certified copy of ID.

Here is link to the Forms page

To notify Sugar Terminals Limited of change of address details, shareholders should immediately forward a personally signed letter quoting their shareholder number and nominating their new address to Link Market Services at the address above.

Shareholders who change their name should notify the company in writing, attaching a certified copy of a relevant marriage certificate or deed poll. Change of name information should be forwarded to Link Market Services at the address above.

G Class shares can be traded on market through a stockbroker on the National Stock Exchange of Australia. You should refer to the Practice Note Number 8 on the National Stock Exchange of Australia website

STL shares may be sold by way of an off market transfer to an Active Grower. Once you have found an Active Grower who wishes to purchase your shares, you should obtain the following documents from Link Market Services:

1. Off Market Standard Transfer Form

2. Member Status Declaration

The transfer document and completed Member Status Declaration should then be sent to Link Market Services for processing.

No. Your G Class shares do not attach or relate to your farm and do not have to be sold with the sale of your cane farm. If as a result of the farm sale you no longer supply cane under a cane supply contract to a mill in Queensland then you are no longer an Active Grower. The implications of no longer being an Active Grower are set out below.

(i) You cannot purchase any more G Class shares.

(ii) You still have the right to receive notice of and attend either general meetings of the company or class meetings of G Class shareholders but you cannot vote.

(iii) You have the right to receive dividends as determined from time to time by Directors.

(iv) You must immediately notify the company in writing that you are no longer an Active Grower by completing the Member Status Declaration and you must dispose of your shares as soon as practicable.

(v) If the shares are not disposed as soon as practical then Directors may issue a written notice called a Transfer Notice.

(i) You must dispose of the shares within the time period specified in the notice.

(ii) If you fail to comply with the notice then Directors may, on your behalf, sell your shares at such price and terms and conditions as the Directors shall in their absolute discretion think fit and pay the net proceeds (after expenses) back to you.

The restrictions exist to ensure that the Company remains owned and controlled by active participants in the industry.

G Class shares can be purchased on market through a stockbroker on the National Stock Exchange of Australia. You should refer to the Practice Note Number 8 on the National Stock Exchange of Australia website It will be necessary for you to complete and sign a Member Status Declaration and forward it to your broker each time you purchase shares.

Where a member who held shares jointly with another person dies, the surviving joint member can make application to Link Market Services to register the surviving joint member as the holder. A certified copy of the death certificate should be provided to establish the death of the deceased.

Where a member is not a joint holder and has left a will, the deceased’s Executor may either elect to be registered as the holder or transfer the shares in accordance with his or her powers as Executor. The deceased’s Executor will need to provide Link Market Services with:

1. a certified copy of the death certificate;

2. a certified copy of the will;

3. a certified copy of Probate.

The requirement to provide probate may be waived where:

1. the value of the deceased’s holding in the Company is less than $15,000; or

2. the Company Secretary is satisfied that Probate is not being obtained due to costs involved relative to the size of the estate and that the requirement should be waived in the particular circumstance. (The Executor will need to obtain from Link Market Services a Declaration that it is not intended to apply for probate.)

Where the Executor elects to be registered as the holder of the shares, then a Transmission Application must be obtained from, completed and then returned to Link Market Services. Where the Executor elects to register the shares directly to the beneficiaries or a third party then he or she must provide the necessary transfer documentation, including a duly executed Member Status Declaration.

The Company’s dividend policy is to pay, on a bi annual basis, as high a dividend as possible having regard to the Company’s cash position and the tests set out in section 254T of the Corporations Act.

All shareholder enquiries should be directed to Link Market Services who maintain the registry of shares for Sugar Terminals Limited. Shareholders can contact Link Market Services by telephoning 1300 554 474. Alternatively, shareholders may prefer to write to:

Sugar Terminals Limited c/- Link Market Services
Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW 1235
T 1300 554 474
F 02 9287 0303

Shareholders who do not wish to receive the annual report should advise the company in writing, quoting their shareholder number to Link Market Services at the address above.


Townsville Port Throughput Overview

Organisation Chart

Mackay Port Throughput Overview

Corporate Directory
